Sunday, February 17, 2008

Laser Hair Removal Facts for Consumers

(PRWEB) September 3, 2005 -- Doctors and practitioners are salespeople, too.

They are trying to sell you something that will cost you a lot of money. They have to make payments on a laser costing tens of thousands of dollars. That's a lot of sales they have to make.

Doctors are not perfect.

Doctors can also be fooled by marketing hype-- they are bombarded with advertisements for lasers. Laser sales reps take them to lunch or to a sports event and chat about how great their system is, and how much money they could make. Doctors hear rumors and believe them, too. I know of several good, trustworthy physicians who bought SoftLight machines when they came out, believing they were permanent. Physicians can also be too busy/lazy to read more than an abstract of a clinical study. I am constantly amazed at how trusting some people are of physicians, taking their word as gospel.

Some laser technicians are unqualified and could damage your skin.

It's safest to go to a physician, preferably a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Your procedure is likely to be safer and more effective when done under medical supervision. Unqualified practitioners have been known to cause serious skin damage on unsuspecting clients.

Can you afford it if you have no long-term results?

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